11% des Britanniques aimeraient un enfant robot

17% des personnes interrogées sont prêtes à avoir des rapports sexuels avec un androïde (ils sont donc robosexuels, comme dans Futurama), et 11% aimeraient qu’un enfant robot naisse de cette union, selon une enquête conduite auprès de 2000 Britanniques par l’Université du Middlesex, sur l’évolution des relations entre les humains et les robots.

In a survey of changing attitudes between human beings and robots, nearly one-in-five people said they were « willing to have sex with an android, » despite more than one-third of respondents saying they fear machines will threaten the human race.

A poll conducted among 2,000 members of the British public by Middlesex University found out what humans think of one day walking, talking – and apparently progressing even further – with robots on a daily basis.

In addition to the 17 percent of people who said they are prepared to « have sex with an android, » more than one-in-ten claimed they would care for the fruits of such labor – with 11 percent saying they want a robot child similar to David in the movie A.I.

However, 41 percent said they think the concept of sexual intimacy with a robot is « creepy » and an additional 14 percent said they don’t think robots should be used in such a manner.

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